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Accurate local weather conditions & forecasts.
Weather Watcher connects you to the closest Earth Networks, NWS, and CWOP weather stations to deliver the most accurate and up-to-date weather information.

Quickly access your local weather conditions, hourly forecasts, daily forecasts, severe alerts, and maps on any Windows computer.

Weather Watcher is compatible with 32-bit & 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and 11. See the release notes for the latest changes.
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Weather Watcher
Quickly access your current weather conditions.
Mouse over the Weather Watcher temperature icon in the Windows system tray area to see what the weather is doing right now.
Tooltip Window
Know what the weather will be like later today.
With Weather Watcher's detailed hourly and daily forecasts, you'll know how to dress and whether or not to leave your umbrella at home.
Hourly Forecast
See live weather observations for every weather station in your area.
Easily see what the weather is doing right now all around you.
Local Observations
Quick access to your favorite weather maps.
Use the map browser to quickly access your favorite weather maps. Choose maps from Weather Watcher's map list or add your own maps from any website on the Internet.
Map Broswer
Keep a detailed record of your local weather observations.
Weather Watcher records your observed weather conditions. Go back later and review the highs and lows for a specific day of the month. Or, choose a day and view the weather conditions for every recorded minute of that day.
Monthly Observations
Our customers love using Weather Watcher.
Nearly everywhere you look on the Internet, you'll find great reviews about Weather Watcher. Our customers say it best though, so we'll let them do the talking.
The weather reporting is always top notch and heads above the others.
Richard Maimin
Unadilla, GA
I depend on the desktop maps to alert me to weather conditions every morning before my three-mile walk.
Graceville, FL
I like seeing the potential forecasts for our area as our real weather changes a lot.
Terry Smith
Chloride, AZ
Never ever have had any issues with Weather Watcher Live. I have been using it since it was first introduced. I highly recommend this simple, super easy to use weather program. Totally worth the money.
Brian Wagner
Reisterstown, MD
I am able to keep track of the temperatures in different cities and states.
Wayne P. Locy
Elkhorn, WI
I rely on the consistently updating desktop wallpaper weather maps for national and regional conditions, plus the taskbar icon warning notices which my workmates and friends contact me for when severe thunderstorms with lightning or tornados are a threat.
Steve Wheat
Tuscaloosa, AL
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